Framework conditions

Shipping is a particularly globalised sector and, internationally, competitive framework conditions are decisive for ensuring continued growth in the Danish merchant fleet.

Danish ships are engaged in trade worldwide, and Danish shipowners are in competition with shipowners from all parts of the world. The shipping industry is a particularly globalised sector and, internationally, competitive framework conditions are decisive for ensuring that there are ships flying the Danish flag and that the Danish merchant fleet continues to grow.
Ships registered in the Danish International Register of Shipping (DIS) have access to special economic framework conditions in the form of the DIS scheme and the tonnage taxation scheme.
In addition, Denmark offers a number of general framework conditions in the form of, inter alia, a service-minded public administration, the availability of a competent workforce and a quality flag.

Economic framework conditions

In order to secure the international competitiveness of the Danish merchant fleet, special economic framework conditions are available to ships registered on the Danish International Register of Shipping (DIS).

General framework conditions

It should be as simple as possible to do maritime business in Denmark. Therefore, the Danish Maritime Authority also focuses on the general framework conditions of the maritime industries.

General framework conditions