Go-live of the Digital Ship Register

The Digital Ship Register (DSRG) will go-live on January 16th, 2023. Concurrently, new legislation on ship registration comes into force. This includes both amendments to the Maritime Act and new executive orders on ship registration. There will be a single executive order on ship registration for ships domiciled in Denmark and a similar executive order for ships domiciled in Greenland. This means that various maritime law amendments adopted over time since 2006 aimed at digitalization are now coming into force. Two new executive orders have also been issued on ship registration – one for Denmark and one for Greenland. The merger of the legislation and the updates to it are expected to be a relief for users.

The introduction of digital ship registration entails changes that affect all users of ship registration in Denmark. The changes affect all registration-based reports notified after January 15th, 2023. All reports that take place from January 16th, 2023 must therefore be done digitally using MitID in DSRG, unless those who are to sign the digital document cannot obtain MitID, or it is a report that is exempt from the requirement for digital reporting, see below.

All reports that occur as of January 16th, 2023, will be given a notification time, rather than a notification date, down to the minute they are reported. All reports made before January 16th, 2023, will retain the notification date that the document has received in the Ship Register and these reports will be carried out manually by the employees of the Danish Ship Register.

Notifications in DSRG must be made digitally via the Self-Service Solution, unless otherwise stated in the Danish Maritime Act or this notice, according to § 7 paragraph 2, § 17, and § 18 paragraph 4.

Paragraph 2 The requirement for digital reporting using DSRG does not apply if one of the parties that needs to sign the report cannot obtain a digital signature. In such situations, the report and originally signed document for registration in DSRG may be made on the basis of paper documents referenced in paragraph 3.

Paragraph 3 Reports submitted on paper shall contain the corresponding information and documentation required for digital notifications and meet the conditions laid down in Chapter 7 of the Order.

Paragraph 4 Reports submitted on paper are recorded digitally by the ship registrar in DSRG. Originally submitted physical documents containing a right of registration are returned to the reporter with an indication that the document is registered digitally. When the right is digitally registered in the DSRG, the physical document does not have independent legal effect in relation to DSRG.

Paragraph 5 Documents which do not have to be registered, but which do have to be submitted for the purpose of a report as evidence, may be uploaded as part of the report. For areas, where the original document in question is required, it shall be stated as such in DSRG.

Learn more in the introductory video below.


Registering mortgage documents and dematerialization of these

With the transition to the Digital Ship Register (DSRG), all registrations of mortgages and registrations of changes to already registered mortgages will mean that the digital registration is the bearer of the right. In the long term, therefore, there will no longer be physical mortgage documents registered in the ship's register. This also means that it will be possible to register a sub-mortgage in a digital owner’s mortgage secured against the ship. Please note that for digital mortgage documents, the security deed "in hand" is replaced by the digital registration.

Reporting new mortgage right safter the transition to DSRG

Reporting new mortgage rights and changes to mortgage rights should happen through DSRG with digital signatures.

You report a mortgage in DSRG by searching for the ship you want to file the mortgage on.

You can access DSRG here

A number of guides that carefully explain how to register, change, and delete mortgage rights have been prepared. These will be posted on this page before go-live.

The requirement for doing a digital report and signing for it using a digital signature of the issuer can only be waived if the issuer of the document cannot obtain the necessary digital signature. For the time being, only signatures with MitID are accepted.

It is possible to give a digital power of attorney to someone else who, on behalf of the issuer, using MitID, can complete the notification in DSRG, as well as sign for the registration.

Reporting changes that are received by the Register of Shipping after the transition to DSRG, including deletion of mortgage documents registered on the basis of a physical document, must be reported as usual with an allonge attached to the original physical document. When registering the allonge, the register of ships dematerializes both the reported allonge and the other mortgage deed.

If at some point you need a physical document as proof of the existence of a digital mortgage, you can order a printout of the currently registered mortgage deed using DSRG and pay for it using a credit card. The price remains at DKK 150 for a printout. The printout is a digitally verifiable document that can be digitally sent for apostille at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if necessary.

Owner’s mortgage and sub-mortgage

With the transition to DSRG it is possible to register a sub-mortgage within a digitally reported owner’s mortgage.

Reporting a sub-mortgage, a modification to a sub-mortgage, and deletion of a sub-mortgage is done in DSRG in the document in which the sub-mortgage is to be registered. A guide that explains in detail how to register, change, and delete sub-mortgages has been prepared. It will be posted on this page before go-live.

If you want to register a sub-mortgage in a mortgage deed registered in the ship register before the transition to DSRG, and the mortgage deed has not been dematerialized, the original mortgage deed must be attached to an allonge endorsement with information about the name and address of the reporter, as well as information about the creation of the sub-mortgage with an indication of the amount, currency, and information about the sub-mortgagee's name and address. Simultaneously with the registration of the sub-mortgage, the physical document is dematerialized. After registration, the dematerialized and registered mortgage is returned with allonges to the sub-mortgage that is reported to the Ship Register.

Unlike mortgages and indemnification deeds, original, physical owner’s mortgages registered before the transition to digital ship registration must be submitted for dematerialization in the ship register no later than 5 years after the transition to DSRG. If the document is not submitted to the register for dematerialization before the deadline, the register itself will dematerialize the document. Subsequently the document will be a digital, registered mortgage. This also applies if the dematerialization does not

appear in the physical document. The physical document is no longer the bearer of the rights arising from registration in the ship register, it is the digital mortgage document.


Automatically generated port registration numbers

Following the transition to the Digital Ship Register (DSRG), all fishing ships will automatically be allocated a port registration number in Denmark and Greenland, a practice that has been in effect since DSRG was put into internal production in October 2021.

It is possible, in the message field at the end of the digital report, to write that you would like a specific port identification number that matches the ship's place of origin. However, you can only get that number if it is not already in use. You can check for yourself if the number you want is not in use. You do this by going to Skibsbladet and searching for the ship on the basis of information about the port registration number you would like to have. If no ship is shown after searching, it means that the port identification number is available at the time of the search, but it is not a guarantee that it is also available when registration of your ship occurs. The use of the message field means that the digital report is processed manually and so that registration is expected to take longer.

If you sell a fishing ship and at the same time buy a new one, you can make the registration of the sale of the fishing vessel conditional on the registration of your new ship and on the port registration number from the old ship being transferred to the new one. Here again, you should be aware that individual comments mean that the registration of your new ship, as well as the transfer of the old ship, will be processed manually and the registration of both notifications must be expected to take longer.


Guides for reports that should be handled manually

There are a few reports that can only be handled without using the Digital Ship Register (DSRG). These are:

  1. Reports of frequent changes of register, which as before must be reported on an S 22 form. The form can still be signed with MitID and can also be found on the Danish Maritime Authority's website under forms. Such reports are processed manually.
  2. Reports that a ship, which is a ship subject to reporting/registration duties, cf. § 10 paragraph 3 of the Danish Maritime Act will be registered in a non-Danish register, cf. § 17 paragraph 5 of the Danish Maritime Act. This must be reported to the Danish Ship Register on "Declaration on Danish owner's registration of ships under foreign flag". The form can still be signed with MitID and can also be found on the Danish Maritime Authority's website under forms. Such reports are processed manually.





Which digital signatures can be used i DSRG, selfservice?

It is only possible to sign digitally using MitID in DSRG, as it is the only digital signature accepted. However, digital signature with Nem-ID (currently under gradual phasing out) is also possible as long as it is provided.





Which of my digital notifications in DSRG, Selfservice can I expect will be registered automatically (immediately)?

The Registrar of Shipping has chosen initially and for safety reasons not to allow automated registration of any notifications. It is expected, that automated registration after a short time will be admitted, when the Registrar of Shipping on the basis of experience can estimate automated registration as possible. Untill then all registrations will be performed as manual registrations by the Register of shipping.

This information will be up dated as different types of notifications in line with automated registration is allowed.