Necessary to be able to do the report

The following is necessary to be able to do the report:

  • MitID to be able to log into DSRG

  • Information about the negative pledge
    o Types of negative pledge

  • The following information about relevant parties of the person type:
    o First name
    o Last name
    o Email-address*
    o Address*
    o Birthday*

  • The following information about relevant parties of the company type:
    o CVR number
    o Information regarding the authorized signatory / person authorized to sign for the firm:
    - First name
    - Last name
    - Email-address*
    - Address*
    - Birthday*

*First name and last name are always necessary to enter on each party. Email address, residential address and date of birth are
necessary if a party is to be invited to sign digitally via MitID.


Registration of negative pledge

Start reporting

Once you have logged in, you will be met by the view below.

You will have to click the “Ships” icon in the menu to the left.

Menu for Digital Ship Registers self-service

You can click on "Find ship" to find a ship that is already registered or about to be registered in one of the Danish ship registers.


How to add or search a ship

Enter the signal letters of the ship for which changes are desired.
Press” Enter” on the keyboard or click "Find ship".

If there are multiple results, select the correct one from the list.


Find ship via signal letters

Click on "Negative Pledges" to see a list of the registered rights in the ship.


Detailed view for ship





Step 1: Add ship

If other ships are to be covered by the registration, enter the ship’s signal letters in the text field "Enter the signal letters of the ship”.

Step 1: Add ship

Once the signal letters have been entered, click on "Add ship".

Add ships

The added ship now appears on the page.


Add ships

Once all the ships to be covered by the registration have been added, click "Next".


Add ships




Step 2: Information


To select the type of negative pledge, check one or more of the types.

Specify negative pledge type

If” other negative pledges” is chosen; it is possible to choose a “Pool agreement” or “Declaration”,
by clicking on the dropdown for “other negative pledges”


Pool agreement or declaration

It will also be possible to enter a text in the text field under "Text shown on the Ship Registry".
The specified text will be displayed on the Ship Registry.


Indication on the ship registry

To add the pledgor, click on "Choose owner".

A list of the ship's owners will be shown where the pledgor person can be selected.



The nationality of the pledgor must be indicated.

This is done by clicking on the menu under "Nationality", and selecting "Danish" or "Non-Danish".


Nationality of the pledgor

If the nationality of the pledgor is Danish, e-mail must be stated. Unless the check mark is next
to "I attach power of attorney because it is not possible to invite for digital signing. Please note,
that if you attach a power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Register.".



If the pledgor needs to be removed, click “Remove this pledgor”


Remove pledgor

To add a pledgee, click "+Add pledgee(s) ".


Add pledgee

It must be stated whether the pledgee is a person or a company.

This is done by clicking on the menu under "Type" and selecting "Person" or "Company".


Type of pledgee

If the pledgee is a company, the company is searched by clicking on the "Find company" button,
after which a dialog box opens where you can search the company.


Find company

If the pledgee is a person, nationality must be stated, this is done by clicking on the menu under "Nationality"
and then selecting "Danish" or "Non-Danish".


Nationality of the pledgee

If the pledgee is Danish, the first name, surname, address, and date of birth must be filled in.


Danish pledgee

If the pledgee is non-Danish, the first name, surname, address, and country of residence must be filled in.


Other pledgee

If the pledgee is to be removed, click on "Remove the pledgee".



Remove pledgee






Priority ranking


If there are rights registered on the ship, the priority ranking for the reported negative pledge must be made.
This is done by clicking on the drop-down menu under "Choose desired priority" and selecting the desired priority.

If you do not want to set a priority ranking, check "A desired priority ranking is not specified".


Priority ranking

If the desired priority is not lower than the other rights in the ship, a position is required.

This is done by clicking on the "Specify position" menu and selecting position.


Priority ranking


When position is specified, the position in relation to the other rights in the ship will be marked in blue. Once the correct position is
selected, click "Confirm priority ranking".


Confirm priority ranking

To invite acceptance of page scheme/respect, mark "Invite to accept page scheme/respect" and fill in the nationality,
e-mail, and address of the party to be invited to sign.


Invite acceptance of page scheme/respect


If it is not desired to invite acceptance of page scheme/respect,
but to register the right with annotation about the displayed rights, mark "Accept annotation".


Accept annotation

If it is needed to change the priority position along the way, click on "Change the desired priority".


Change the desired priority




Invite to digital signing

Once the required fields are filled in, click "Invite to sign".


Invite to sign


All fields are locked for editing and the system shows who needs to sign digitally.
If errors have been discovered in the entered information, it is possible to withdraw the invitations,
correct and invite again. This can be done by clicking on the "Withdraw invitations" button


Withdraw invitations

Once the assignment has been signed, the notification can be reloaded and continued by clicking "Next"


Step 2: Information – Continue to the next step






Attach power of attorney

If there are parties for whom a power of attorney must be attached, it will be possible to upload attachments to the report.

Tick: "I enclose power of attorney, as it is not possible to invite for digital signing.
Please note that if you enclose a paper power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Registry. "

Click "Save and verify".

Click "Upload documentation".


Upload documentation

Drag the files into the dotted box at the top or click "Select File(s)" to select the files to be uploaded.


Upload documentation

When all files to be uploaded have been added to the list, click "OK".


Upload documentation

The system displays the list of documents to be attached to the notification.
Click "Upload attached documents".


Upload documentation

The system will show that the upload of the file(s) has been completed and it is now possible to click on "Next".


Next enables to move on to the next step





Step 3: Registration

At this Step, it is possible to verify all entered information before the case is sent for manual case
processing by the Danish Maritime Register.


Step 3: Registration: Accordions that summarize the information entered

It is possible to mark that the report is interdependent on another report and that these must be registered at the same time.


Step 3: Registration: Marking interdependent reviews

It is possible to add message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority.


Step 3: Registration: Message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority


Click on "Request registration" to send the case for manual case processing by the Danish Maritime Register.


Step 3: Registration


The registration has now been sent for manual case handling at the Danish Maritime Register and you can log out
and close your window in the self-service or go to the front page and start a new registration.

NB: If the reviewer has filled in their e-mail address under the profile page (by hovering over their name and clicking on profile in
the top right), an e-mail will be sent to this e-mail address stating that the review can continue as soon as all parties' tasks have been



Step 3: Registration: The case awaits the Ship Register




Change to negative pledge

Start report 


Once you have logged in, you will be met by the view below. You will have to click the "ships" icon in the menu to the left. 

Menu for Digital Ship Registers self-service


You can click on "Find ship" to find a ship that is already registered or about to be registered  in one of the Danish ship registers.

How to add or search a ship



Enter the signal letters of the ship for which changes are desired. 

Press "Enter" on the keyboard or click "Find ship".

If there are multiple results, select the correct one from the list. 

Find ship via signal letters


Click on "Negative pledges" to see a list of the registered rights in the ship. 


Detailed ship view 


Click on the pencil icon next to the mortgage you want to change. 


This is how to start a negative pledge change flow






Step 1: Add ships

If other ships are to be covered by the registration, enter the ships signal letters in the text field "Enter the signal letters of the ship."


Step 1: Add ships


Once the signal letters have been entered, click on "Add ship"


Add ships


The added ship now appears on the page. 


Add ships 


Once all the ships to be covered by the registration have been added, click "Next".



Add ships





Step 2: Information

  • PhotographerStep 2: Information

To change the type og negative pledge, check one or more of the types to add.

To remove a type, remove the notch next to the type(s) tobe removed. 


Specify negative pledge type


If "other negative pledges" is chosen; it is possible to choose a "pool agreement" or "Declaration",
by clicking on the dropdown for "other negative pledge"


Pool agreement or declaration 


It will also be possible to enter text in the text field under "Text shown on the ship registry". 

The specified text will be displayed on the ship registry. 



Indication on the ship registry 


To add the pledgor, click on "choose owner". A list of the ships's owners will be shown here the pledgor person can be selected. 




The nationality of the pledgor must be indicated. This is done by clicking on the menu under "Nationality" and selecting "Danish" or "Non-Danish".


Nationality of the pledgor 


If the nationality of the pledgor is Danish, e-mail must be stated.
Unless the check mark is next to "I attached a power of attorney" Because it is not possble to invite for digital signing. 

Please note, that if you attach a power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Register.




If the pledgor needs to be removed, click "Remove pledgor".


Remove pledgor


For the existing pledgor, e-mail must be indicated if the nationality is Danish.
Unless the check mark is next to "I have attach power of attorney because it is not possible to invite for digital signing. 
Please note, that if you attach a power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Register."


Remove the existing pledgor 


To add a pledgee, click "+Add pledgee." 


Add pledgee


It must be stated whether the pledgee is a person or a company.
This is done by clicking on the menu under "Type" and selecting "person*" or "Company".


Type of pledgee 


If the pledgee is a company, the company is searched by clicking on the "Find company" button,
after which a dialog box opens where you can search the company. 


Find company


If the pledgee is a person, nationality must be stated, this is done by clicking on the menu
under "Nationality" and then selecting "Danish" or "Non-Danish"


Nationality of the pledgee


If the pledgee is Danish, the first name, surname, address and date of birth must be filled in. 


Danish pledgee 


If the pledgee is Danish, the first name, surname, address and country of residence must be filled in. 


Other pledgee 


If the pledgee is to be removed, click on "Remove pledgee". 


Remove pledgee 


If the existing pledgee is Danish, e-mail, address and date of birth must be stated. 
less "I attach power of attorney because it is not possible to invite for digital signing.
Please note, that if you attach a power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Register." is checked.



Existing Danish pledgee


If the existing pledgee is non-Danish, the address and country of residence must be filled in. 


Non-Danish pledgee 



If it is desired to remove the existing pledgee from the negative pledge,
the checkmark next to "included as a part in the registration" in unchecked.

Remove the existing pledgee






Invite to digital signing


Once the required fields are filled in, click "Invite to change". 


Invite to change


All fields are locked for editing and the system shows who needs to sign digitally. 
If errors have been discovered in the entered information, it is possible to withdraw the invitations, correct and invite again. 

This can be done by clicking on the "Withdraw invitations" button. 


Withdraw invitations


Once the assignment has been singed, the report can be reloaded and continued by clicking "Next"


Step 2: Information - Continue to the next step








Attach power of attorney


If there are parties for whom a power of attorney must be attached, it will be possible to upload attachments to the report. 


Tick: "I enclose power of attorney, as it is not possible to invite for digital signing. Please note that if you enclose a paper power of attorney,
the documentation must be approved by the Ship Registry."


Click "Save and verify"

Click "Uploade documentation."


Upload documentation


Drag the files into the dotted box at the top or click "select file(s)" to select the files to be uploaded. 


Upload documentation


When all files to be uploaded have been added to the list, click "Ok".


Upload documentation


The system displays the list of documents to be attached to the notification. Click "Upload attached documents"


Upload documentation


The system will show that the upload of the file(s) has been completed and it is now possible to click on "Next".

Next enables to move on to the next step







Step 3: Registration

At this step, it is possible to verify all entered information before the case is sent for manuel case
processing by the Danish Maratime Register. 


Step 3: Registration: Accordions that summarize the information entered


It is possible to mark that the report is independent on another report and that these must be registred at the same time. 


Step 3: Registration: Marking independent report


It is possible to add message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority. 

Step 3: Registration: Message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority



Click on "Request registration" to send the case for manuel case processing by the Danish Maritime Register. 

Step 3: Registration



The registration has now been sent for manual case processing at the Danish Maritime Register and
you can log out and close your window in the self-service or go to the front page and start a new registration. 


NB: If the reviewer has filled in their e-mail address under the profile page (by hovering over their name and clicking on profile on the top right), 
an e-mail will be sent to this e-mail address stating that the review can continue as soon as all parties tasks have beem completed. 


Step 3: Registration: The case awaits the Ship Register






Deletion of negative pledge

Start reporting


Once you have logged in, you will be met by the view below. 

You will have to click the "ships" icon in the menu to the left. 


Menu for Digital Ship Registers Self-service 


You can click on "Find ship" to find a ship that is already registered or about to be registered in one of the Danish Ship Registers. 


How to add or searh a ship


Enter the signal letters of the ship for which changes are desired. 

Press "Enter" on the keyboard or click "Find ship". If there are multiple results, select the correct one from the list. 

Find ship via signal letters 

Click on "Negative pledges" on see a list of the registered rights in the ship. 


Detailed view for ship


Click on the bin icon next to the mortgage you want to delete. 


Start deletion of negative pledge





Step 1: Information

If the existing pledgee is Danish, e-mail, address and date of birth must be stated. 
Unless the check mark next to "I attach power of attorney because it is not possible to invite for digital signing.
Please note, that if you attach a power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Register." Is checked. 


Danish pledgee 

If the pledgees non-Danish, the address and country of residence are indicated. 


Non-Danish pledgee






Invite to digital signing

Once the required fields are filled in, click "Invite to deletion".


Invite to deletion 


All fields are locked for editing and the system shows who needs to sign digitally. 
If errors have been discovered in the entered information, it is possible to withdraw  the invitations, correct and invite again. 
This can be done by clicking in the "withdraw invitations" button.


Withdraw invitations 


Once the assignment has been signed, the notification can be reloaded and continued by clicking "Next"


Step 2: information - Continue ti the next step





Attach power of attorney

If there are parties for whom a power of attorney must be attached, it will be possible to upload attachments to the notification. 

Tick: "I enclose power of attorney, as it is not possible to invite for digital signing.
Please note that if you enclose a paper power of attorney, the documentation must be approved by the Ship Registry."

Click "Save and verify."

Click "Upload documentation."


Upload documentation

 Drag the files into the dotted box at the top or click "Select file(s)" to select the files to be uploaded. 

Upload documentation


 When all files have been added to the list, click "OK"


Upload documentation


The system display the list of documents to be attached to the notification. Click "Upload attached documents."


Upload documentation


The system will show that the upload of the file(s) has been completed and it is now possible to click on "Next".


Next enables to move on to the next step,















Step 2: Registration

At this step, it is possible to verify all entered information before the case is sent for manual case processing by the Danish Maritime Register. 


Step 2: Registration: Accordions that summarize the information entered



It is possible to mark that the report is interdependent on another report and that these must be registered at the same time. 


Step 2: Registration: Marking interdependent reports 


It is possible to add message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority.


Step 2: Registration: Message(s) to the Danish Maritime Authority. 


Click on "Request registration" to send the case for manuel case processing by the Danish Maritime Register.


Step 2: Registration


The registration has now been sent for manual case handling at the Danish Maritime Register,
and you can log out and close your window in the self-service or go to te front page and start a new registration. 


NB: If the reviewer has filled in their e-mail address under the profile page (by hovering over their name and clicking on profile in the top right),
an e-mail will be sent to this e-mail stating that the review can continue as soon as all parties tasks have been completed.  


Step 2: Registration: The case awaits the Shipe Register