4.1 Notice B from the DMA, II-2C (SOLAS, II-2C)
Regulation 10 – Fire fighting
3.1 Portable fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements of the Fire Safety Systems Code and be subject to inspection in pursuance of the provisions of annex N(3) to this chapter. A fixed gas fire-extinguishing system complying with the provisions of the Fire Safety Systems Code. CO2 fire-extinguishing systems shall, further-more, meet the provisions of annex N(1) of this chapter, and furthermore, fire-extinguishing systems using mixed atmospheric gases in machinery spaces in ships shall meet the provisions of the order on the installation and testing of fire-extinguishing systems using mixed at- mospheric gases in machinery spaces in ships issued by the Danish Maritime Authority
10.2.5 At least two spare charges shall be provided for each required breathing apparatus containing at least 3,600 l of air. Passenger ships carrying not more than 36 passen- gers and cargo ships that are equipped with suitably located means for fully recharging the air cylinders free from contamination need carry only one spare charge for each required apparatus. Such suitable located means for fully recharging the air cylinders free from contamination shall consist of at least one air compressor connected to the emergency source of power and with a capacity of 3,600 l times the number of fire-fighter’s outfits required; however, the capacity need not exceed 25,000 l. In pas- senger ships carrying more than 36 passengers, at least two spare charges for each breathing apparatus shall be provided in addition to the air compressor mentioned above.
4.2 Notice B from the DMA, II-2, annex N(1)
Additions to the provisions of the “Fire Safety Systems Code” (FSS Code), chapter 5, pargraphs 2.1 and 2.2
2 General provisions for CO2 fire-extinguishing systems
2.1 CO2 systems shall, insofar as possible, be protected against incorrect operation.
2.2 It shall be possible for the ship’s crew to check the condition of CO2 systems in a safe manner. It shall not be possible to release the systems inadvertently in connection with control, maintenance, etc. Maintenance and inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the IMO guidance for the maintenance and inspection of fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems.
2.3 It shall be possible to secure CO2 systems against release during yard work in ma- chinery spaces.
2.4 In case of new-buildings/flagging-in, it shall be possible to prove that CO2 systems will work as intended in all conditions in case of a fire.
4.3 Notice B from the DMA, II-2, annex N(3)
Additional Danish regulations Supplement to the provisions of the Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code), chapter 4
1. General
1.1. Fire-extinguishers and spare charges shall be ready for use at any time and be sub- jected to routine checks.
1.2. The functioning of a suitable number of the ship's portable fire-extinguishers from both accommodation and engine spaces shall be systematically tested in connection with fire drills.
1.3. Portable fire-extinguishers shall be checked in accordance with the guidelines stipulated in the IMO guidance on portable fire-extinguishers. The inspections prescribed by this regulation may be carried out on board on the responsibility of the ship’s master, chief engineer or first mate on the condition that the service instructions of the manufacturer for each individual type of fire-extinguisher available on board is observed. The pressure-tests mentioned under paragraph 2 may be carried out on board by the relevant ship’s chief engineer on the condition that he has acquired a certificate as a chief engineer in accordance with the STCW Convention, chapter III, regulation III-2. If the inspections and pressure-tests mentioned are not made on board, they shall be carried out in this country by approved companies, persons or test institutes. Abroad, inspections and tests may be carried out by locally recognized companies.
2. Periodical pressure tests, etc.
2.1 Pressurized portable fire-extinguishers
2.1.1 Containers for pressurized fire-extinguishers shall be cleaned and inspected internally as well as pressure-tested every ten years. The test pressure shall be that stamped on the container.
2.1.2 If more than five years have passed since the latest pressure test, a discharged fireextinguisher shall not be recharged until a new pressure test has been carried out with a satisfactory result.
2.2 Cartridge-driven portable fire-extinguishers
2.2.1 Containers for cartridge-driven fire-extinguishers shall be cleaned and inspected internally as well as pressure-tested every ten years. The test pressure shall be that stamped on the container.
2.3 The month and year of the pressure test shall be stamped on the container in a durable manner.
4.4 Notice B from the DMA, III (SOLAS, III)
Regulation 3 – Definitions
In Danish ships immersion suits shall be in accordance with of the Code.
4.5 Notice B from the DMA, III (SOLAS, III)
Regulation 31 – Survival craft and rescue boats
1.4 The life raft shall be so stowed that it may be transferred to either side of the ship. Such arrangements shall be made that the raft may be launched without the necessity of lifting it over rails or bulwarks. There shall also be emergency lighting at the place where the raft is stowed. A portable safety lamp of an approved type may be used for this purpose. The release line – the painter – shall be secured to the place where the raft is stowed in such a way that it may be easily released for attachment to the place where the raft may be launched.
4.6 Notice B from the DMA, V (SOLAS, V)
Regulation 19 – Carriage requirements for ship borne navigational systems and equipment
1.2.4 be fitted with a bridge navigation watch alarm in accordance with paragraphs 2.2.3 and 2.2.4.
2.2.3. Ships with a wheelhouse shall be fitted with a bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS), which shall be in operation whenever the ship is underway at sea. The Convention requirement for a bridge navigational watch alarm system shall apply to cargo ships of 150 gross tonnage and upwards and passenger ships irrespective of size implemented from 1 July 2011 until 1 July 2014. Nationally, the equipment re- quirement has applied from 1 March 2006 to cargo ships with a length (L) of or above 15 metres, respectively of 100 and above as well as to passenger ships irrespective of size when engaged on international voyages.
2.2.4. The bridge navigational watch alarm system shall comply with the technical and opera- tional requirements of the IMO functional standards for bridge navigational watch alarm systems (BNWAS).
4.7 Notice B from the DMA, V (SOLAS, V)
Regulation 36 – Navigation lights, shapes and sound signals
1 On all ships, navigation lights shall meet functional requirements not inferior to those adopted by the Organization.
2 Ships with a length below 50 metres shall be provided with a set of fixed spare navigation lights for the top, side and stern lights prescribed for the relevant type of ship by the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea.