Once you have logged in, on the overview page, you can see all the ships you have access to, as well as planned and completed inspections, from the overview page. In the top table on the overview page you can view all the ships you have access to. Here you can give others access to your ships, by clicking the green button containing an illustration of a ship.
Figure 1: Overview page on Shipowner Self-service
By clicking on the “Access to ships” button, you will be taken to a page, where you can see who has access to which of your ships.
Figure 2: Overview over who has access to your ships on Shipowner Self-service
To see details of what the person has access to, you can click on the person to be taken to a detail page. On this page you can see which ships the person has access to, and what they are allowed to do. There are three options for access: “None”, “View”, and “Administrate”. If the person has no right to the ship, the person will not be able to see the ship. If the person has a “View” right, the person can see the ship. If the person has “Administrate” right, the person can give others either a “None”, “View”, or “Administrate” right.
Figure 3: Detailed view over which ships a specific user has access to on Shipowner Self-service
To give more people access to your ships, you can add them through the previous page by pressing the green “Add person” button.
Figure 4: Overview over who has access to your ships on Shipowner Self-service
By pressing the “Add person” button, you can add a person by typing their User-ID and clicking on the “Next” button. A person can find their user-ID by clicking on their name in the upper right corner.
Figure 5: Enter user-ID in order to add user-rights on Shipowner Self-service
If you go back to the overview page, you can see details about your ships by clicking on "See details" next to the ship you want to see. Once you have clicked on it, you will be taken to a new page with general ship details, such as name, identification letters, ship register number, etc. Here you can also access the ship through the Danish Maritime Authority's other services such as the Registration Record.
Figure 6: Detailed view for ship on Shipowner Self-service
The next table contains all your views, to which you can access them by clicking on "See details".
Figure 7: Table over inspections on the ship on Shipowner Self-service
When you click on see details for an inspection, you will be taken to a new page that shows information such as case number, status, inspection status, etc. You can also see scheduled visits by the inspector below.
Figure 8: Detailed view for inspection on Shipowner Self-service
If you go back to the ship details page you can see your requirements. Through the detail window, you get information about area, support point, repair deadline, etc.
Figure 9: Detailed view for reqiorement on Shipowner Self-service
The second to last part of the ship detail window is a table showing your certificates. Here you can also access a detailed window, where you can get details such as the certificate number, place of issue and date, as well as have the option to download a PDF of your certificate.
Figure 10: Detailed view for certificate on Shipowner Self-service