Flying the Danish flag

Danish shipping is characterised by high quality, an international outlook and a gift for innovation. Several foreign shipowners have noticed these positions of strength, thus creating a need for information about flying the Danish flag.

Why fly the Danish flag?

Quality flag

  • Paris MoU white list no. 1
  • Tokyo MoU white list
  • USA Qualship 21 nation

Low costs

  • Tonnage tax
  • Tax exemption for seafarers
  • Few national regulations
  • No registration and mortgage fee


  • Qualified service 24/7
  • Point-of-Contact make change of flag easy
  • Full delegation to RO (cargo ships above 500 and offshore)
  • Port State Control Support 24/7
  • Digital certificates
  • Future Lab for innovating design

The first time you contact the Danish Maritime Authority, a ship surveyor will be appointed as your contact person (Point-of-Contact) on the case - the direct link between the shipowner and the Danish Maritime Authority. We believe that it will make the entire process easier and that you will - as a shipowner - feel that the process progresses better.

If you are contemplating flying the Danish flag, the Danish Maritime Authority can offer a free non-binding meeting, at which we will answer your questions. The meeting can be held at one of our offices, over the phone or, if relevant, as a video conference - you can choose what suits you best.

It is not difficult to fly the Danish flag. In recent years, the Danish Maritime Authority has reduced the number of special regulations applicable to ships flying the Danish flag. Following thorough consideration, we have decided to remove some of the national provisions. This means that it has become easier to transfer a ship to the Danish flag since many national regulations have now become international and apply irrespective of the flag that the ship is flying.

Cargo ships below 500 GT

Read more about how to change the flag of a cargo ship below 500 GT.

Cargo ships below 500 GT

Cargo ships above 500 GT

Read more about how to change the flag of a cargo ship above 500 GT.

Cargo ships above 500 GT

Passenger ships on international voyages

Read more about passenger ships on international voyages.

Passenger ships on international voyages


Read more about Crew transfer vessels (CTV), industrial personnel and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU).

Offshore vessels