2023 marks the end of the Covid kit

Published 05-02-2024

In January 2021, it was possible, at the request of the industry, voluntarily to bring extra medicine and medical equipment on board in connection with Covid-19.

At the turn of the year 2023/2024, the option for the Covid kit will expire and it must be removed from the ships. However, it is accepted that the medicine and equipment still be present on board until the expiration date.

Revision of the Medicine chests

Work is currently underway on a revision of the medicine chests, which is expected to include elements from the Covid kit.
If the ship has invested in the Covid kit, it is possible to reuse the contents for updating the future revision of the chests. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to synchronize the phasing out of the Covid kit with a revision of the chests.

Medicine chest Forum

The revision of the medicine chests is carried out based on incoming suggestions to the medicine chest forum and is determined by the steering group consisting of Radio Medical Denmark/Danish Maritime Authority and representatives from the industry.

If you have further questions, please contact the Center for Maritime Health Services, cms@dma.dk, tel.: +4572196004


​​​Centre for Maritime Health Service
Vestervejen 1, 6720 Nordby, Fanø
Ship Survey, Certification and Manning