
​​​​​​​​​​Below, you will find English versions of the executive orders issued by the Danish Maritime Authority that are currently in force. Please note that only the Danish versions have legal validity.


Date Number Name
23-12-2024 1560

Executive Order on the activities of private recruitment and placement services

23-12-2024 1584

Executive Order on the Reporting of Marine Accidents, Deaths and Incidents at Sea

05-12-2024 1077

Executive Order on special stability requirements for ro-ro passenger ships

01-07-2024 187 Order on Executive Order on the client's duties and responsibilities for major.
01-07-2024 861 Executive Order on Approval and Quality Assurance of Maritime Course Providers, Courses and Exams
01-07-2024 766 Order on Executive order on life jackets on small vessels
01-07-2024 765 Order on safety when sailing recreational craft and safety requirements for recreational craft over 24 metres in length
01-04-2024 257 Order on Executive Order on standard times for certain statutory inspections of fishing
01-01-2024 1477 Order for Greenland on the Application of the Consolidated Act on Safety at Sea to Foreign Ships
01-01-2024 1470 Order amending the order on minimum protection of certain categories of persons on board ships
01-01-2024 1439 Order amending the Order on the Use of Pilots
01-01-2024 1316 Order on Executive Order on navigation, etc., in certain Danish waters.
01-01-2024 1315 Order on Executive Order on the authorisation scheme for transit.
01-01-2024 1229 Executive Order on navigational safety regarding.
12-12-2023 1463 Order on medical examinations of seafarers and fishermen
04-12-2023 1476

Order for Greenland on pilotage, etc.

30-11-2023 1436 Order on seafarers' rest periods


Date Number Name
31-12-2023 1672 Order amending the Order on Accommodation and Recreational Facilities.
21-12-2023 1494 Order amending the Order on the counting and registration of persons on.
05-07-2023 1028 Order amending the Order on the amendment of tonnage limits for fishing.
29-06-2023 1013 Order on the merchant shipping act (Søloven)
23-06-2023 916 Order on the Derogation of Qualification Requirements and Crew Regulations Pursuant to the Act on the Manning of Ships
19-06-2023 900 Order on qualification requirements for seafarers and fishermen on certificates of competency and qualifications.
19-06-2023 833 Order amending the Order on deviations from the Act on Seafarers' Employment Conditions, etc., for Fishing Vessels.
06-06-2023 814 Order on Executive Order on insurance or another guarantee to cover the shipping companies' liability to seafarers and masters in the event of breach of the employment relationship
31-05-2023 666 Order on requirements for tests and acquisition of certificates for recreational sailors and for providers of tests, etc.
26-05-2023 593 Order  on Complaints on Board Danish Ships.
26-05-2023 592 Order on the employer's obligation to enter into a written contract with the fisherman on the conditions of employment.
26-05-2023 591 Order on the employer's obligation to enter into a written contract with the seafarer on the conditions of employment.
25-05-2023 573

Order on complaints on board Danish fishing vessels.

23-05-2023 563  Order on proficiency tests, etc., in sailing for fishing and merchant vessels.
07-05-2023 528

Order amending the order concerning the construction and equipment of ships, etc., passenger ships in domestic voyages

25-03-2023 361

Order on the inspection and certification of merchant ships in accordance with the UN International Labour Organisation's Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).

27-03-2023 335 Order on the issuance of call signs and identification numbers for ships.
 13-01-2023  35 Order on the registration of ships, including bareboat registration, and rights over ships in the Danish Register of Ships, the Danish International Register of Ships and entry in the Register of Ships and on annual fees for ships with a home port in Denmark.
Date Number Name
13-12-2021 2447 Order on the construction and equipment of small commercial vessels and cargo vessels, etc
01-12-2021 1761 Order on the announcement of the maritime spatial plan, etc.
17-09-2021 1821 Order on the constructon and equipment of ships, passenger ships, etc., on domestic voyages
15-09-2021 1818 Order on supplementary provisions for cargo and passenger ships
15-09-2021 1817 Order on the construction and equipment of ships, small passenger ships, etc., on domestic voyages
29-06-2021 1467 Order on the protection of seafarrs and fishermen against the risks of exposure to biological agents at work (Working enviornment on ships)
29-06-2021 1466 Order on sea marking in the Danish and Greenlandic marking area, etc. (The Marking Order)
01-06-2021 1075 Order on the approval and quality assurance of maritime course providers and courses
01-06-2021 1092 Order on survey and certification of ships using ballast water and on ballast water management plans and ballast water record books
11-05-2021 875 Order amending the Order on recreational craft and personal watercraft
07-05-2021 837 Order amending the Order on the employer’s obligation to conclude a written contract with fishers on the conditions of employment
28-04-2021 769 Order on amendment of order on construction and equipment, etc. of ships, implementing the international Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
01-02-2021 144 Order on complaints pursuant to ILO Convention no. 188 on board fishing vessels
01-02-2021 140

Order on the entry into force of parts of Act amending the Merchant Shipping Act (søloven), the Act on Safety at Sea (lov om sikkerhed til søs) and the Seamen’s Act (sømandsloven) (obligation to take out insurance against maritime claims, implementation of the work in fishing conventions, etc.)

29-01-2021 121

Order on amendingments to the Order on Notices A from the Danish Maritime Authority A Technical regulation on occupational in ships

29-01-2021 114 Order on the employer’s obligation to conclude a written contract with fishers on the conditions of employment
28-01-2021 100

Order on the maintenance of crew data on merchant vessels and fishing vessels



Date Number Name
13-12-2019 1511 Order amending the Order on port State control of ships
13-12-2019 1519 Order on food and drinking water, etc. in merchant ships
13-12-2019  1521 Order on a system of inspections for the safe operation of ro-ro passenger ships and high-speed passenger craft in regular service.pdf
09-12-2019 1319 Order on a transit pilotage authorisation scheme
05-12-2019 1308 Order amending the order on an annual fee for ships registered in the Danish registers of shipping
05-12-2019 1305 Order on the qualification requirements of cooks not holding a Danish certificate of competency as a ship's cook in order to serve as a ship's cook on merchant ships registered in the Danish International Ship Register
04-12-2019  1301 Order on payment for the tasks performed by the Danish Maritime Authority as part of the inspection of pilotage assignment
04-12-2019 1307 Order amending the order on qualification requirements for seafarers and fishermen and on certificates of competency and certificates of proficiency
 28-11-2019  1235 Order on the counting and registration of persons on board passenger ships operating to or from ports of the Member States of the Community
19-11-2019  1154 Order on the construction and equipment, etc. of ships, implementation of the International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
11-11-2019 1120 Order amending the Order on exemptions from the Act on Seafarers’ Conditions of Employment, etc. for fishing vessels
11-11-2019  1115 Order on food and drinking water, etc. in fishing vessels
11-11-2019  1116 Order on accommodation, etc. in fishing vessels
11-11-2019 1114 Order on the activities of private recruitment and placement services for fishers
13-09-2019 954 Order amending the Order on Danish International Register of Shipping
13-09-2019  956 Order amending the order on ship registration
04-07-2019 706 Order on passenger lifts in ships
15-01-2019 46 Order on the security of network and information systems of importance to the safety and navigation of ships
10-01-2019 28 Order on ship’s log books


Date              Number     Name
20-12-2017 1655 Order on registration of fishing vessels and recreational craft whose owner is not considered Danish
20-12-2017 1654 Order on registration of merchant ships whose owner is not considered Danish
18-12-2017 1726 Order on tests and certificates for yachtsmen
14-12-2017 1694 Order on mobile offshore units
14-12-2017 1695 Order on the construction and equipment etc of barges
07-12-2017 1424 Order repealing order on information and consultation of seafarers
30-11-2017 1341 Order amending the order on approval of offshore containers and portable units for handling on open seas

1357 Order on authorisation for performing tasks on behalf of the DMA
30-11-2017 1378 Order on compensation for seafarers for belongings lost in connection with ships' loss or other damage
07-11-2017 1188 Order amending Notice B from the DMA  
09-10-2017 1124 Order amending the order on registration of ships
22-06-2017 795 Order on occupational health training for members of the safety group in merchant ships and on occupational health teacher training
20-06-2017 810 Order amending the order on Notice A from the DMA, TR on occupational health in ships
08-06-2017 722 Order on minimum protection of certain categories of persons on board ships

581 Order amending Notice B from the DMA (repealing Danish regulations)
30-05-2017 580 Order amending Notice E from the DMA (repealing Danish provisions)
22-05-2017 503 Order amending the order on the installation and testing of fire-extinguishing systems using mixed atmospheric gases in machinery spaces in ships

587 Order on categorisation, classification and discharge of liquid substances in bulk in EEZ GL
22-05-2017 537 Order on the discharge of garbage from ships and platforms
22-05-2017 588 Order on the discharge of garbage from ships in EEZ GL
22-05-2017 589 Order on the discharge of oil from ships in the EEZ around Greenland

539 Order on the discharge of oil from ships  
22-05-2017 538 Order on the discharge of sewage from ships and offshore installations outside Danish territorial waters and the Baltic

499 Order repealing a number of orders issued by the DMA (2017)  
27-02-2017 208 Order for the Faroe Islands amending the liability limits of the merchant shipping act section 175
27-02-2017 199 Order for the Faroe Islands of the York Antwerp regulations of 1990  
27-02-2017 198 Order for the Faroe Islands on a special liability limit for ships below 300 tonnes for claims other than claims related to personal injury or deaths

196 Order for the Faroe Islands on certificates of confirmation of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage  
27-02-2017 197 Order for the Faroe Islands on insurance certificates as proof of covering maritime claims



Date Number Name
15-12-2016 1691 Order on special training requirements for personnel on ships using gas for propulsion  
14-12-2016 1600 Order amending order on qualification requirements of seafarers and fishermen and on certificates of competency etc

1601 Order amending order on training in maritime ship security
14-12-2016 1590 Order repealing a number of orders within the area of responsibility of the DMA  
12-12-2016 1687 Order on safety when operating recreational craft and safety requirements for recreational craft above 24 m in length

1523 Order on discharge books
08-12-2016 1524 Order on the reporting of persons working on board ships registered in the Danish International Register of Shipping
24-11-2016 1410 Order amending the order for Greenland on the Danish Shipping Tribunal

1354 Order amending the order on the rules of procedure of the Danish Shipping Tribunal

1344 Order amending order on exemptions from act on seafarers' conditions of employment, etc for fishing vessels

1350 Order amending order on TR on ships for special purposes
21-11-2016 1346 Order on insurance or other security f covering shipowner's liability towards seafarers and master in case of breach etc

1339 Order on posting of declaration on protection of seafarers and the master under the act on industrial injury insurance

1161 Order amending the order on marine equipment

672 Order repealing a number of orders within the jurisdiction of the Danish Maritime Authority
17-05-2016 422 Order on marine equipment
29-04-2016 397 Order on verification of the weight of packed containers


Date Number Name
17-12-2015 1656 Order on entry into force of section 3(i) and section 4 of act amending the merchant shipping act and other acts
15-12-2015 1689 Order on recreational craft and personal watercraft  
14-12-2015 1608 Order amending the order on tests for certificates of competency, etc  
11-12-2015 1525 Order amending order on certificates of confirmation of insurance or other financial security in resp of liability etc

1526 Order amending order on certificates of insurance or other financial security in resp of civil liability f bunker oil pol  
11-12-2015 1527 Order amending the order on insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage  
11-12-2015 1697 Order for Greenland on the safe navigation, etc of ships
11-12-2015 1698 Order on pilotage, etc around Greenland
11-12-2015 1699 Order on the activities of pilotage service providers and the obligations of pilots in Greenland
08-12-2015 1466 Order on course and refresher course in advanced fire-fighting on board ships
24-11-2015 1294 Order on recognition and authorisation of organisations performing inspections and surveys of ships  
23-10-2015 1207 Order on course in the operation of survival craft and rescue boats, except fast rescue boats
29-09-2015 1145 Order on qualification requirements for seafarers and fishermen and on certificates of competency and proficiency
27-05-2015 727 Order amending the order on course and refresher course in the operation of fast rescue boats
12-05-2015 658 Order on course and refresher course in the operation of fast rescue boats
23-04-2015 508 Order amending order on Notice A from the DMA, TR on occupational health in ships
22-04-2015 491 Order on entry into force of sections 7 and 8 of the act amending the merchant shipping act, and other acts
21-04-2015 515 Order amending order on courses and certificates f medical caretakers on board ships
21-04-2015 506 Order amending order on maritime security training on board ships
21-04-2015 517 Order amending order on special qualification requirements etc f personnel on passenger ships
21-04-2015 507 Order amending order on tests for certificates of proficiency, etc
21-04-2015 516 Order amending the order on course in tanker operations
21-04-2015 620 Order amending the order on instruction of seafarers when signing on a ship
18-03-2015 256 Order on occupational health course f port safety committees and safety groups in fishing vessels
05-03-2015 233 Order on safe manning document f small commercial vessls and Greenland fishing vessels carrying up to 12 passengers etc
02-03-2015 226 Order on basic refresher training in maritime safety and fire-fighting on ships
06-02-2015 124 Order on bridge regulations for bridges in Danish waters
27-01-2015 69 Order amending order on the employer's obligation to conclude a written contract with the seafarer on conditions of employm
27-01-2015 70 Order amending the order on complaints on board Danish ships
27-01-2015 79 Order on a ship finance institute
27-01-2015 66 Order on certain responsibilities of the DMA f compliance with and enforcement of the MLC
20-01-2015 27 Order on insurance or other guarantee to cover the owner's liability in connection with wreck removal, etc
19-01-2015 21 Order on partial entry into force of the act amending the merchant shipping act, act on additions to act on wreckage, etc
07-01-2015 7 Order amending the order on the rights of ship passengers


Date Number Name
15-12-2014 1408 Order on partial entry into force of section 1(viii) of the act amending the merchant shipping act and various other acts
15-12-2014 1451 Order on the reporting obligation of recipients of HNS substances carried in bulk by sea
11-12-2014 1342 Order on pilot embarkation, pilot disembarkation and change of pilot
11-12-2014 1343 Order on the activities of pilotage service providers and on the obligations of pilots
11-12-2014 1338 Order on the entry into force of provisions of the act amending the pilotage act and the act on DanPilot
02-12-2014 1269 Order on navigation and a reporting system in Nakskov Fjord
03-11-2014 1165 Order on course in tanker operations
10-10-2014 1116 Order on courses and certificates for medical caretakers on board ships
11-09-2014 987 Order on recognition of foreign certificates of competency for service on fishing vessels
13-06-2014 642 Order on fixed CO2 fire-extinguishing systems
13-06-2014 643 Order on the installation and testing of fire-extinguishing systems using mixed atmospheric gases in engine spaces in ships
04-06-2014 570 Order on the transfer of liquid cargoes between ships in Danish and Greenland territorial waters
22-04-2014 391 Order on special qualification requirements, etc for personnel on passenger ships
27-03-2014 288 Order on the valuation of liens and loans in ships as security for the issue of specially covered bonds
21-01-2014 47 Order amending order on certification of confirmation of insurance or other security in resp of liability relat to accident
15-01-2014 35 Order on the obligation of Danish oil recipients to report and contribute to the IOPC Fund, etc



Date Number Name 
12-12-2013 1396 Order on offshore diving operations and offshore diving equipment.pdf
12-12-2013 1395 Order on the safe performance of diving operations
29-11-2013 1351 Order on safety of navigation in connection with engineering works and other activities, etc in Danish waters
11-11-2013 1283 Order amending Notice A from the DMA, TR on occupational health in ships
07-11-2013 1279 Order on maritime security training on board ships
05-11-2013 1258 Order on an annual fee for ships registered in the Danish register of shipping
28-10-2013 1230 Order on the entry into force of section 30(ii) of the act amending the merchant shipping act and various other acts
01-10-2013 1157 Order on the Danish International Register of Shipping
24-09-2013 1141 Order on the approval of offshore containers and portable units handled in open sea
19-09-2013 1121 Order on the rules of procedure of the Danish Shipping Tribunal
05-09-2013 1086 Order repealing certain regulations on maritime regulation
29-08-2013 1069 Order on navigation by motor-driven recreational craft in Greenland waters after having consumed alcohol
27-08-2013 1044 Order amending the order on a maritime conversion pool
26-08-2013 1053 Order on Danish bareboat registration
16-08-2013 1009 Order on compensation for fishermen for belongings lost in connection with ship's loss or foundering
16-08-2013 1011 Order on fishermen's hours of rest
16-08-2013 1010 Order on fishermen's right to receive care and free transportation, etc.
15-08-2013 1006 Order on exemptions from the act on seafarers' conditions of employment, etc for fishing vessels
06-08-2013 998 Order on the entry into force of section 2 and sections 5-8 of act amending merchant shipping act and various other acts
19-07-2013 964 Order amending the order on ship registration
03-07-2013 921 Order amending Notice F from DMA, TR on construction and equipment of small commercial vessels
03-07-2013 924 Order amending Notice A from the DMA, TR on occupational health in ships
03-07-2013 923  Order amending order on TR on traditional ships (ships worthy of preservatiobn, sport fishing vessels, etc)
03-07-2013 916  Order on passenger vessels exclusively engaged on voyages in port areas and on lakes, etc
28-06-2013 909 Order on the application of the MLC to seafarers' working conditions on foreign ships
26-06-2013 820  Order on the ship reporting system BELTREP and on navigation under the East Bridge and the West Bridge in the Great Belt
25-06-2013 751  Order on medical examinations of divers
07-05-2013 468 Order on confidentiality in connection with the Danish Maritime Authority's consideration of complaints
15-04-2013 383 Order on the hygienic competences of seafarers handling food on board ships
18-03-2013 268 Order on payment for surveys of ships, etc
14-03-2013 285 Order on complaints on board Danish ships
14-03-2013 286 Order on seafarers' right to receive care
07-03-2013 229 Order on seafarers' right to free transportation with subsistence
07-03-2013 228 Order on the activities of private recruitment and placement services
07-03-2013 238 Order on the employer's obligation to conclude a written contract with the seafarer on the conditions of employment
05-03-2013 227 Order on enhancing the security of ships engaged on domestic voyages
12-02-2013 142 Order on a maritime conversion pool
08-02-2013 120 Order amending the order on ship registration (2013)
29-01-2013 74 Order on the rights of ship passengers
10-01-2013 9 Order on certificates of confirmation of insurance or other security in resp of liability relating to accidents etc
09-01-2013 6 Order on partial entry into force of act amending act on safety at sea, seamen's act and various other acts etc
09-01-2013 8 Order on partial entry into force of act amending merchant shipping act and act on safety at sea
09-01-2013 7 Order on partial entry into force of act amending merchant shipping act, act on safety at sea and seamen's act


Date Number Name
28-06-2011 9253 Guidance on important messages (OXXO) via Inmarsat-C
16-12-2011 1259 Order on insurance certificates as proof of coverage for maritime claims
12-12-2011 1188 Order on the surface treatment of ships
23-11-2011 1084 Order on TR on measures for preventing piracy and armed robbery against Danish ships
16-11-2011 1055 Order on TR on authorisation to carry out renewal surveys on fishing vessels
15-11-2011 1050 Order on fees for pilotage assignments performed by the Danish Pilot Service
08-11-2011 1032 Order amending order on TR on a vessel traffic monitoring and information system in Danish waters and ports (2011)
01-11-2011 1015 Order on TR on the carriage of motor vehicles, etc by passenger ships
29-08-2011 939 Order on radio tests and certificates in GMDSS
25-08-2011 924 Order on the ship reporting system SOUNDREP and on reporting when passing the dredged channel of Drogden etc
27-06-2011 736 Order on a fee for welfare work for seafarers
20-06-2011 664 Order on partial entry into force of act amending merchant shipping act, act on safety at sea and on seamen's act
14-06-2011 638 Order on the reporting of marine accidents, deaths and incidents at sea
08-06-2011 585 Order for Greenland on the investigation of accidents at sea
27-04-2011 354 Order on partial entry into force of act amending merchant shipping act and of act on Brussels I Regulation, etc
11-04-2011 329 Order on TR on compliance with flag State requirements
09-03-2011 190 Order on TR on the education, training and certification of officers in high-speed craft
11-01-2011 15 Order on the transfer of certain powers to the Danish Directorate of Fisheries on the collection of inf on LSA


Date Number Name
18-08-2008 838 Order on certificates of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage
 25-04-2007  386  Order on the transfer of certain powers concerning control of the crew to the Danish Directorate of Fisheries
 22-03-2007  247  Order amending order on ship registration
 22-12-2006  1758  Order on watchkeeping on ships
 05-12-2006  1332  Order on shipping companies' contributions to the special health insurance scheme for seafarers
 05-12-2006  1331  Order on the special health insurance scheme for seafarers, etc
 07-06-2005  442  Order on the issue of call signs and identification numbers for ships
03-04-2003 9191  Order on LPG installations and cooking appliances using spirits and kerosene on board ships
17-03-2003 170  Order on ship reporting systems in waters off Greenland (reporting service in Greenland)
13-11-2002 916  Order on maritime radio services in extraordinary situations
26-08-2002 717  Order on navigation, etc on Odense Fjord and Channel
17-06-1999 476  Order on medical examinations of divers (1999)
26-03-1999 184  Order on tests for certificates of competency, etc
22-01-1999 41  Order on ship registration (1999)
01-12-1998 845  Order on the measurement of small ships
25-11-1998 835  Order on the State's training ship Danmark
08-04-1998 217  Order on insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability f oil pollution damage fr ships
26-02-1998 146  Order on Danish ships' navigation in areas with mandatory routeing systems
16-02-1998 102  Order on the health service in ships
07-10-1997 773  Order on instruction of seafarers when signing on a ships
01-05-1997 307  Order on the approval of the safe navigation of high-speed ferries
15-08-1996 751 Order on Danish ships' participation in mandatory ship reporting systems
20-09-1994 825 Order on pregnant seafarers’ right to retire and to a free home journey1
27-11-1992 939  Order on the protection of submarine cables and pipelines
14-10-1992 848  Order on lifejackets in small vessels
18-12-1991 953  Order on navigation on Limfjorden between Egholm and Kattegat
10-12-1990 829  Order on inquests and burials, etc in case of deaths at sea
22-08-1988 10012  Safe manning (engine crew) on cargo ships of less than 20 tonnes engaged on domestic voyages w an output of 100-749 kW
30-12-1985 657  Order on safety zones and zones for observing order and preventing danger
11-10-1983 475  Order on the application of the safety of ships act to foreign ships
08-06-1983 272  Order on reporting, etc in connection with depth reductions in Danish waters
21-09-1978 472  Order on navigation in Kalundborg Fjord and on calls at the Port of Kalundborg



Maritime Regulation and Legal Affairs