Approved alternatives, medicine

The Danish Maritime Authority and Radio Medical Denmark have put together a list of approved alternatives that can be used when you can't get the right active pharmaceutical ingredients. You can download the list in Excel format.

If you can buy the right active pharmaceutical ingredients with the right concentration, administration method, and labeling from the approved alternatives list, you don't need to ask for an exemption from the DMA. The list also has instructions for use and labeling.

If you can't find the right active pharmaceutical ingredients in the inventory or the approved alternatives list, you need to contact the Center for Maritime Health Service.

If you have any questions, just reach out to the Center for Maritime Health Service at or call +45 72 19 60 04.

Senest opdateret 14-12-2023


​​​Centre for Maritime Health Service
Vestervejen 1, 6720 Nordby, Fanø
Ship Survey, Certification and Manning