Maritime security - ISPS

The Danish maritime security regulations are based on international agreements and originate from the UN’s International Maritime Organization (IMO). The Danish Maritime Authority is responsible for ISPS regulation for Danish-flagged ships. On the following pages, you will find relevant information regarding maritime security and ISPS.

Security level for Danish ships

Informationen på denne side indeholder Søfartsstyrelsens instrukser til skibe, der sejler under dansk flag, vedrørende forhøjning af sikkerhedsniveauet fra 1 til 2 eller 3, samt anbefalinger om at iværksætte tiltag om bord på skibet i visse andre områder.

The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov
The Gulf of Guinea 
The Red Sea, Bab el-Mandeb, and the Gulf of Aden

Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT)

Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) enables global identification and tracking of ships to enhance maritime safety and for the purpose of security and protection of the marine environment.

Long-range identification and tracking (LRIT)

Ship Security Assessment (SSA) and Ship Security Plan (SSP)

To get a security plan approved in accordance with the ISPS Code (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code) in Denmark, you must follow a series of steps. These steps involve the preparation, submission, and approval of the security plan in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. Here you will find a guide to the process.

OXXO Messages and ENID

OXXO is a general call sign for all Danish ships.

On this page, you can find practical information about OXXO and ENID, as well as a user guide for common issues that may arise.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding ISPS

Here is a collection of some of the most frequently asked questions about ISPS and maritime security.