Classification societies

​​The Danish Maritime Authority has authorised a number of classification societies (or recognized organisations - ROs) to perform various approval and certification tasks on board Danish ships.

The classification societies perform their work on behalf of the Danish Maritime Authority.

The most recent agreement between the Danish Maritime Authority and the ROs

Annex to the RO agreement of 22 November 2024

For use by, among others, the ROs, the Danish Maritime Authority has issued a number of circulars which provide a more detailed explanation of how a particular rule is to be understood.

Outline of circulars

Following employees of the Danish Maritime Authority are part of the RO team

  • Janus Pape
  • Jesper Rosenkrantz Andersen
  • Lasse Stensberg Jensen
  • Stefan Egedal Petersen
  • Pia Andersen
  • Ivan Kilsgaard Brahde
  • Mads Klit Rønn
  • Torsten Arnt Olsen
  • Anne Marie Norderud-Poulsen
