DMA Regulatory Future Lab

Why: Paving the way for new technological solutions

The Danish Maritime Authority would like to be a facilitator and partner for innovative solutions especially in the fields of green tech, decarbonization and digitalization. However, regulation can sometimes be a barrier for implementing new ideas. Updating international regulation takes time and industry innovation moves faster.

In order to handle industry inquiries that challenge the regulation, the Danish Maritime Authority offers case management in Future Lab.

What: A Future lab for approving innovation

DMA Future Lab is a matrix organization that handles challenging inquires that need authority approval or acceptance. The goal is to be an open-minded authority partner that efficiently help find safe, secure and environmentally friendly solutions.

The Lab handles inquires on various stages in the innovation process. On one hand, the DMA Future Lab handles inquires on innovations that are ready to be implemented on commercial vessels. However, the lab can also help with early stage innovations that need room or geography to test out new ideas.

How: Co-creating new solutions

Each inquiry is unique and the case management process is tailored individually. The overall process however has some similarities.

The first step in DMA Future Lab is to get an in-dept understanding of the project in order to determine if the project challenges regulation and needs management in the Lab.

Next step is for DMA to define the approval basis. For new ship design, this could for instance be according to IMO Guidelines for Alternative Design (MSC.1/Circ.1455). For other innovations, the basic regulation may be different. With the approval basis in place, the client and DMA will develop and agree upon a framework for analysis, test or evaluation of the project. A time and process plan will be set.

From here, it is an iterative process, where the client perform their project and analysis and if needed get feedback underway as the project get more specific and detailed.

If there are particularly challenging aspects concerning regulation or safety, DMA can initiate workshops or sprints in order to crack the nut.

When all documentation is in place, the proposal is evaluated for approval.

Podcast from Regulators Forum 2024

Shipping is undergoing a rapid technological development. New technologies such as green fuels, alternative ship designs and innovative equipment are being introduced at an unseen high pace. This challenges the maritime governance. Flag State Administrations and Recognised Organisations are already working with alternative design approvals.

In October 2024 the Danish Maritime Authority gathered over 40 participants from countries all over the world to the Regulators Forum 2024.

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You can also find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Spreaker.

Podcast from Regulators Forum 2023

On 25 – 26 October 2023, the Danish Maritime Authority hosted the international meeting Regulators' Forum on how to enable ammonia for green shipping. Here you can listen to a podcast from the meeting.

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You can also find the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Spreaker.


DMA Regulatory Future Lab

Criteria for Using DMA Future Lab

  • The activity is directly or indirectly covered by SFS legislation and needs handling
  • The project is challenging conventional regulation and case management
  • It is a new innovation e.g. technology, business model or organizational innovation.
  • The innovation is a benefit for society or users