Cargo ships below 500 GT

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Fly the Danish flag: If you become a part of Blue Denmark and fly the Danish flag, the Danish Maritime Authority can offer your company a number of different services.​

We can, for example, make our Point-of-Contact scheme available to your shipping company. This means that your shipping company will be put in contact with a permanent team of ship surveyors with in-depth knowledge about your company segment and its special needs. The POC team will always revert to you. Naturally, it is quite voluntary whether you want to be part of this arrangement.

Point-of-Contact scheme

Flagging-in process

If you have decided to transfer your ship to the Danish flag, you must, first of all, ensure that the ship does not contain any asbestos since it is prohibited to import ships containing asbestos.

Furthermore, you must ensure that documentation is available - or can be drawn up - that proves that the ship meets the Danish regulations.

This is how to begin the flagging-in

  1. Submit the following documents by email to the company's contact person and/or in pdf format:
  2. Subsequently, the case worker of the Danish Maritime Authority will send you a letter with information about the material to be forwarded for considering the case.

  3. Registration of the ship in the Register of Shipping
    You must fill in and forward a number of documents to the Danish Maritime Authority in order to have your ship registered in the Register of Shipping and be issued with a certificate of nationality. If in doubt, we recommend that you call the Register of Shipping by telephone: +45 72 19 60 00.

    Read more about how to do here

  4. Apply for certificates of recognition
    The master must have completed a Danish supplementary course for persons in charge of medical care on board ships, a course in Danish maritime law, ship administration and occupational health for foreign masters and an occupational health course for members of the safety group in merchant ships (section 16 course for merchant ships) before signing on.

    Other officers must have completed a course in Danish maritime law for foreign senior officers, except for masters.

    See here where the courses are offered (school and course approvals)

    All crewmembers must also have a Danish health certificate for seafarers and fishermen..

    Read more about certificates of recognition

    Apply for a certificate of recognition

    As regards questions about certificates of recognition, please contact Customer Service:

  5. Order a Danish ship's medicine chest that suits your trading area. For further information, please contact Torben Leth:

  6. Digital forms are filled in and forwarded to the Danish Maritime Authority by mail.

  7. At first, the ship will be issued with an interim certificate of nationality and an interim trade permit. Later, when the approval procedure has been completed, a completely valid certificate of nationality and trade permit will be issued by the Danish Maritime Authority.

Certificates issued by the Danish Maritime Authority


Ship Survey, Certification and Manning