Danish Maritime Cybersecurity Unit

​The cyber and information security challenges of the maritime sector will form an integral element of the maritime security activities of the Danish Maritime Authority and will be addressed alongside other challenges and tasks related to maintaining security on board Danish ships and the safety related to navigation in Danish waters.

The Danish Maritime Authority’s strategic aim with the sub-strategy for cyber and information security is that:

Security on board Danish ships and in Danish waters should not be compromised as a result of cyberattacks.

Read the Cyber and Information Security Strategy for the Maritime Sector

The Danish Maritime Authority has established the Danish Maritime Cybersecurity Unit, which is tasked with delivering the initiatives set out in the strategy.

On the basis of current threat assessments and in-depth knowledge of the maritime sector (players, services and infrastructure), the Unit will provide advice and will serve as a communication hub with respect to cyber and information security for the entire maritime sector and as an internal expert function at the Danish Maritime Authority regarding cyber and information security.

Other responsibilities will include coordination tasks and organisation of professional workshops and conferences related to specific IT security issues in the maritime sector.

An action plan will be prepared for the specific efforts, which will be implemented in close cooperation with the sector, for example in relation to skills enhancement, enforcement, regulation, supply chain management and information initiatives



Centre for Cyber Security

Email: cert@cert.cfcs.dk

T​+45 32 89 89 89