Deletion of a ship, when and how?

Here you can read about when a registered ship should and must be deleted from the Danish ship registry.

If you must or would like to report the deletion digitally in DSRG, the self-service solution can be accessed with MitID where the guide can be found here.

If you do not have and cannot get a MitID and therefore cannot report the deletion directly in DSRG, the following information takes you through what you must do in the different cases.

About mortgage and other rights, ships registered in DAS including the Shipbuilding Register and DIS, reported for deletion

When you report a ship for deletion in DAS and DIS, it should generally be free of mortgage and other encumbrances regardless of the reason for deletion.

The ship can however be deleted with registered mortgage, if the creditor gives their consent in writing that the ship can be deleted with mortgage, or if determined that the registered encumbrances are expired.

If there is mortgage and/or other encumbrances when you report a ship for deletion, the ship registry will according to the Danish Maritime Act § 20 (Link) inform the holder of these rights that the ship is reported for deletion. The deletion can first happen after a deadline of 30 days unless the right holders’ consent to the deletion before the 30 days or if determined that the registered encumbrances have expired. However, deletion shall not take place if a rights holder has taken legal action to exercise his rights over the ship, unless the prosecution is not facilitated without undue delay or is refused promotion by final decision.

Be aware that there cannot be registered mortgage or other encumbrances over ships in the Boat Register and therefore deletion is more simple.

You can see which encumbrances there currently are on your registered ship under ‘Search in ship registry’

Specifics related to deletion of ships from the Boat Register

There are no special rules for deletion of ships from the Boat Register. It is on the contrary simpler as it is not possible to have mortgage or other encumbrances on ships entered in the Boat Register.

Ships entered in the Boat Register should at any given time have a commercial use. A ship can and should be deleted from the Boat Register, if the ship stops having a commercial use. See below under “Situations where ships should be deleted” item 2. The same rules apply for deletion from FTJ as for the ship registers DAS and DIS.

Specifics about deletion of ships from the Shipbuilding Register

The Shipbuilding Register only handles ships under construction. After a ship is constructed and is delivered from the shipyard, and a  Builder´s Certificate is issued, the ship must either be transferred to DAS, FTJ or DIS or should be deleted from the Danish registers.

A ship in the Shipbuilding Register should either be deleted or transferred to another Danish ship register when the ship is delivered from the shipyard. On that time the shipyard issues a Builder´s Certificate for the ship as documentation that the ship is completed and the ship can therefore no longer be registered in the Shipbuilding Register.

A ship should typically be deleted if is delivered to a non-Danish owner, who does not want to register their ship in the Danish registry. On the time of deletion, potential mortgages and other encumbrances shall also be destroyed. Se here about mortgages other rights registered on ships registered in DAS including the Shipbuilding Register and DIS that is reported for deletion -Link-  

Should the ship however be transferred to either DAS, FTJ or DIS, any encumbrances, including potential registered mortgages or other rights, should also be transferred. This happens automatically unless the right owner actively chooses to delete the encumbrances.

At the transfer to other registers, the ship must be reported to the concerned register with the form II 1, II 2, II 3 or II 4 (link) and Builder’s Certificate or Document of Title should be reported to DSRG using the self-service solution and be signed by the Shipyard.

Also, the ship is deleted from the Shipbuilding Register if the ship is lost while being constructed. This is reported to the Ship registry by using From II 8 Udslettelse af skib på grund af forlis (link). The form is to be filled based on the circumstances of the event.

Specifics about deletion of Pleasure crafts, including houseboats that is used for private residency with a gross tonnage of less than 20

Pleasure crafts with port of registry in Denmark

Since the 1st of March 2018, ships with a gross tonnage of under 20, which are used for commercial purposes, can be registered in the Register of Shipping.

This means that all such pleasure crafts registered before the given date with a gross tonnage below 20 have been deleted from the Register of Shipping either is the were encumbered or at the time when the last encumbrance was deleted.

Furthermore, the Register of Shipping continues to delete pleasure crafts when the last encumbrance on the ship is deleted.

You do not have to do anything, but you will be notified, when the deletion has taken place.

Pleasure crafts with a gross tonnage below 20 with port of registry in Greenland

As of the 16th of January 2023 the same rules apply for pleasure crafts registered with port of registry in Greenland as for pleasure crafts registered with port of residency in Denmark.

This means that all such pleasure crafts registered as of this date and which are unencumbered will be deleted by DAS immediately after the 16th of January 2023.

Furthermore, the Register of Shipping continues to delete pleasure crafts when the last encumbrance on the ship is deleted.

You do not have to do anything, but you will be notified, when the deletion has taken place.

When deletion of a ship can happen

a. A ship registered with a Danish owner can be deleted from the Danish register cf. The Danish Maritime Act (Section 17 (5))

  • If the ship continues to be administrated, directed, and controlled from Denmark, no matter which country’s ship register the ship is transferred to, or
  • If the ship is transferred to a register in another EU/EEA country and is operated from there, or
  • If the owner has other genuine ties to the concerned EU/EEA country.

To use for deletion in situation a. form II 31 Dansk ejers erklæring om udslettelse af eller undladelse af at anmelde skib til dansk register ved samtidig optagelse i et andet lands register. (link)

b. A ship registered with a foreign owner

A ship registered with a non-Danish owner is deleted upon request by the owner, cf. The Danish Maritime Act (Section 17 (4)). The request can be made in a letter addressed to the Register of Shipping and signed by an authorized signatory who is authorized through the provisions regulating the power to bind.

Situations where the ship must be deleted

  1. A ship registered with a Danish owner The Danish Maritime Act (Section 1). (link) must be deleted from a Danish register when it is transferred to a non-Danish owner who cannot or does not wish to continue the registration in the Danish register. Link to Foreign Owner – this is reported in the form II 7, Udslettelse af skib på grund af overdragelse til ikke –dansk ejer (link)
  2. Merchant ships and fishing ships with a gross tonnage under 20 which are reported as no longer having a commercial use and are free from mortgage and other encumbrances, should be deleted by sending a mail to inform the Register of Shipping that the ship no longer is used for commercial purposes, The Danish Maritime Act (Section 18 (1)).(link) The mail should contain the following wording. “The ship must be deleted, as its use is no longer commercial”. Merchant ships and fishing boats with a gross tonnage under 20, which are reported as no longer having a commercial use but are not free from mortgage or other encumbrances cannot be deleted before the mortgage or other encumbrances have been deleted. In these cases in to noted in the entry in the Register of Shipping, that no new rights can be registered, cf. The Danish Maritime Act (Section 18 (2) the second point)  The Register of Shipping deletes the ship ex officio at the time where all encumbrances on the ship are deleted, cf. The Danish Maritime Act (Section 18 (1)) (link)
  3. If the ship is a shipwreck, it can first be deleted when the registered mortgage rights are deleted, or if there is consent to deleting the ship with registered mortgage rights from the proprietor of the registered mortgage rights. You must report the shipwreck on form II 8. . Udslettelse af skib ved forlis(link)Some documentation for what happened should be described on the form ‘'oplysninger om forlis'. Here you should attach documentation of ship wreckage, which could be newspaper articles, police reports or pictures. The documentation must clearly indicate the ship and sequence of events.
  4. If the ship is scrapped, it can only be deleted if the registered mortgage rights are deleted or there is a consent of the deletion of the ship with the mortgage from the proprietor of the registered mortgage rights. You can report scrapping on form II 9 9 Udslettelse af skib på grund af ophugning.(link)  Be aware that information about why it is scraped, which you include in the form should be attested/confirmed.
  5. If the ship is damaged to such a degree that it cannot be repaired, it can only be deleted if the registered mortgage rights are deleted or there is a consent of the deletion of the ship with the mortgage from the proprietor of the registered mortgage rights. You can report that the ship is beyond repair on from II 10 Udslettelse af skib som uistandsætteligt (link)