Pleasure craft under 20 GT

Since 1 March 2018, pleasure crafts of less than 20 GT can no longer be registered in the Register of Shipping. Mortgages and other interests must in future be registered in the register of chattel mortgages according to the general rules on chattel mortgages. As of and including 16 January 2023 the same is the situation for pleasure crafts with homeport in Greenland and less than 20 GT.

As of and including 16. January 2023 the Register of Shipping will delete pleasure crafts with homeport in Greenland and less than 20 GT registered before this date, if the ship is free of all mortgages and other interests. 

If your ship is under 20 GT and was already registered in the Register of Shipping before 1 March 2018, for such pleasure crafts with homeport in Denmark and before 16. January 2023 for such pleasure crafts with homeport in Greenland the ship will be deleted from the register when all mortgages and other interests in the ship have been removed.

Certificate of Nationality

Pleasure crafts under 20 GT which therefore cannot be registered cannot be issued with a Certificate of Nationality from the Danish Maritime Authority. As owners of pleasure craft may need to produce documentation of their ship to authorities outside Denmark, you can instead show them this letter from the Register of Shipping – ‘To whom it may concern’.

Also, private recreational yachtsmen organizations can issue a ‘certificate of nationality’ to their members. You may have to pay a fee for the certificate.


Danish Ship Register