Medical examiners

​​​​​​​​​​In Denmark, medical examinations of seafarers and fishermen must be performed only by maritime medical practitioners appointed by the Danish Maritime Authority.
A list of approved medical examiners is available on this page.

Medical examination in Denmark
It is recommended that the seafarer or the fisherman makes an appointment with the maritime medical practitioner in due time and brings the following to the medical examination:
  • Identification (discharge book, passport, driver's licence or any other photo ID)
  • Medical certificate if he or she is in possession of one already
The maritime medical practitioner issues and endorses the medical certificate following the medical examination.
If the seafarer or the fisherman is found unfit for ship service, the maritime medical practitioner is still obliged to issue a medical certificate containing an endorsement to this effect to the seafarer or fisherman.
If a medical practitioner who has not been appointed a maritime medical practitioner performs a medical examination, it is not valid.
Seafarers and fishermen must not be issued with medical certificates or take up service on Danish ships on the basis of such an examination. 


Ship Survey, Certification and Manning