The Arctic region

Still more cruise ships are navigating Greenland waters as a consequence of the increased interest in adventure tourism in Greenland. Now, approx. 40 cruise ships are visiting Greenland waters every year.

However, not only Greenland waters have experienced an increase in voyages. All over the Arctic area, voyages by ship are increasing. In the Arctic region, Danish shipowners and marine equipment manufacturers have good potentials for growth. Naturally, this means that there is a greater need for safety in this area. Therefore, navigational safety in Greenland waters and the Arctic region are two of the Danish Maritime Authority's key areas of interest.

Below, you can read more about navigation in Greenland waters. You can, inter alia, download the special safety package that contains regulations and specific information about Greenland navigational conditions. You can also read about ArcticWeb, which is a platform that collects relevant navigation information in the particular area where you are at the moment. ArcticWeb collects information about, for example, ice charts and prognoses, navigation warnings, etc.

In dialogue with Greenland

In order to strengthen maritime safety in Greenlandic waters, the Danish Maritime Authority is in ongoing dialogue with the Greenland Home Rule Government about new initiatives and initiatives. Sailing safety is also on the agenda in the Arctic Council, where a working group is examining, among other things, the possibilities for strengthening co - operation among the Arctic states on, among other things, information and experience exchange.

Mandatory pilotage in Greenland

Ships with more than 250 passengers on board must use pilots that are certified to pilot in the area in question when sailing on the inland and outer territorial waters off Greenland (ie up to 3 nautical miles from the baseline).

Read more about Mandatory pilotage in Greenland

IMO Polar Code

The IMO Polar Code entered into force in January 2017. The Polar Code contains requirements for the construction, stability, equipment and voyage planning of the ships covered as well as for the education and training, etc. of the crew.

Furthermore, the Polar Code contains regulations on protection of the vulnerable nature in polar areas. These requirements are described in the part on environmental regulations.

In Denmark, the provisions of the Polar Code have been enacted through "Order on Notice B from the Danish Maritime Authority, the construction and equipment, etc. of ships".

Read more about IMO Polar Code here

ArcticWeb Greenland

In order to enhance safety of navigation in the Arctic, the Danish Maritime Authority has taken the initiative to develop ArcticWeb. ArcticWeb is a web application that collects and presents relevant information to persons who are navigating the waters of Arctic regions, including Greenland waters.

Today ArcticWeb is operated by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The Danish Maritime Authority is still partner and data provider.

Visit ArcticWeb for more


Safety of Navigation, National Waters (Danish Emergency Management Agency)