Assessment form for diving activities
Are dives made at water depths of more than 50 m? *
Yes No
Are dives made at offshore wind farms or other plants for the production of renewable energy? *
Yes No
Are dives made at offshore installations for exploration, production or transport of hydrocarbons? *
Yes No
Are dives made from dynamically positioned ships? *
Yes No
Does a risk analysis show that it is necessary to make stricter requirements? (In case of doubt, the Danish Maritime Authority will make the decision) *
Yes No
The above type of diving work is in Denmark covered by the set of rules for offshore diving operations (BEK no. 1396 of 12/12/2013) and presupposes a diving permit issued by the Danish Maritime Authority.
If yes to one or more of the above, has an offshore diving permit been obtained from the Danish Maritime Authority? *
Yes No
If the answer is no to all the above points, the fields below the form must be filled in.
The nature and scope of the diving activities
If several of the following are considered to entail increased risk, the Danish Maritime Authority should be contacted at with the purpose of assessing whether the rules for offshore diving operations will enter into force.
Is the project covered by the rules on large construction projects and has the client appointed a coordinator for safety and health?
Yes No
Do several contractors work on the same site?
Yes No
Do you work with objects or substances that necessitate stricter safety and health requirements?
Yes No
Does the diving contractor (diving company) have a permit for commercial diving from the Danish Maritime Authority?
Yes No
If yes to one or more of the above four, does the activity involve increased risk?
Yes No
Justification that it is not necessary to set stricter requirements due to the nature, scope or safety and health conditions of the diving task
Diving activities risk analysis
If several of the following are considered to entail increased risk, the Danish Maritime Authority should be contacted at with the purpose of assessing whether the rules for offshore diving operations are in force.
Are dives made at water depths above 25 m?
Yes No
Do dives take place in areas with strong stream conditions?
Yes No
Do dives take place at a distance of more than 5 nautical miles from land?
Yes No
Are there dives where wrecks or underwater installations are penetrated?
Yes No
Are dives made that require surface decompression?
Yes No
Are there other elements that lead to increased risk? If so, describe these.
If yes to one or more of the six above, does the activity involve increased risk?
Yes No
Justification that it is not necessary to impose stricter requirements in view of the safety and health conditions of the diving task
Contact details
Name *
Phone number *
E-mail *
Special guests are welcome at this field
Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.