Yearly duty

For ships registered in the Danish Register of shipping, a yearly fee is paid. The fee contributes to paying the financial authority tasks associated with ships sailing under Danish flag.

Remember – All ship owners have a duty to report any changes in the information about the ship or owner that is registered in the Register of Shipping within 30 days

Ships that do not have to pay a yearly fee:

The fee does not include ships with port of registry in Greenland if the owner lives in or have their residency in Greenland.

The fee does not include ships which are registered as bareboat-out to a foreign register.

Ships which are worthy of preservation and can be found in Ships Perservation Fund's list are exempt from paying the fee:
List over preservation-worthy ships

You can control the information we have about your ships here

Yearly fee depends on the ships gross tonnage and usage of the following:


For merchant ships and fishing ships with a gross tonnage on less than 30

300.- DKK.


For pleasure crafts with a gross tonnage on less than 20

800.- DKK.


For all pleasure crafts with a gross tonnage between 20 and 500

1.600.- DKK.


For merchant ships and fishing ships with a gross tonnage on over 30

1.600.- DKK.


For all ships with a gross tonnage over 500

2.400.- DKK.

The fee covers 12 months from the first of March up to and including the 28th/29th of February. Ships registered at the latest the 28th/29th of February need to pay the fee for the entire coming period.

The deadline for paying the fee is 30 days after the invoice has been sent. Payment deadline appears on the individual invoice.

Be aware that if the payment is paid after the due date or is not paid, a reminder is sent with an additional service charge. The service charge is set once a year. If the fee is not paid before the reminder due date, the reminder is sent to The Debt Collection Agency, which will also add a service charge.

The invoice is sent to the registered owner’s E-boks. For registered owners without E-boks, the invoice is sent with mail. However, such that:

  • For ships registered with a non-Danish owner, the invoice is sent to the registered contact or establishment conditions.
  • For ships registered as bareboat-in the payment obligation rests upon the registered bareboat-charterer registered in the Danish register and the invoice is sent to this person.
  • There can before the first of March be made a deal between the registered owner and the Register of Shipping, such that:
  • A registered owner who does not have E-boks, get the invoice per e-mail, when there is an explicit consent to receiving the invoice per e-mail.
  • It can be agreed upon with the Register of Shipping that the registered owner wishes that the invoice is sent to another individual. It can often be relevant in cases where an accountant presides the fee on behalf of a registered owner.

The invoice can be paid using netbank or in a financial institution. You can pay to the Danish Maritime Authorities on the bank number, 0216 4069031668 where you are required to note the BS-number (can be found on in the invoice and the reminder) at the transfer.

If you transfer the payment from a foreign country, the following information should be used:

IBAN: DK8702164069031668 (Should read DK 87 0216 4069031668)
*DK = Land code
*87 = control numbers
*0216 = reg. nr.
*4069031668 = account number

REMEMBER to indicate the BS-number (which can be found on the invoice and reminder) on the transfer.

If you are reporting your ship for deletion from the registry in the period 1st of March to 31st of August, you can send a request – for example by e-mail, to get half of the paid yearly fee refunded when the ship is deleted. Potential reminder service charges are not paid back. Are you asked for a service charge from a reminder, and you have not paid it, the refunded amount is offset by the yearly service charge.

Be aware that ships which are registered as mortgage or other type of liabilities can first be removed from the register when the liabilities are removed. If the deletion of the ship is dependent on one or more mortgage mortifications, you can report a mortification case to the Register of Shipping. From the time of the report of the mortification case to the Register of Shipping to the time of a final verdict being reached, the obligation to pay a yearly fee ceases, and no invoice will be sent. This way the processing time in court does not affect you negatively financially.

If the ship sinks, is scrapped or similar, the obligation to pay a fee ceases, when it is reported to the ship registry and the ship can be deleted. If the deletion of the ship is dependent on one or more mortgage mortifications, you can report a mortification case to the Register of Shipping. If the deletion of the ship is due to presentation of necessary documents for the Register of Shipping, the obligation to pay the yearly fee ceases from when the reason for deletion is reported to when the deletion is registered. This way the case-worker processing time of the Register of Shipping does not affect you negatively financially. You can request to get half the payment of the yearly fee refunded, if the report about a ship that sunk, was scrapped or similar cases is submitted by August 31st the latest, in the same year that the reason for deletion is reported.

If you sell or in other way transfer your ship in one of the fee periods and the ship remains registered the responsibilities for the yearly payment transfers to the newly registered owner in the coming fee period. However it is, according to the law, the registered owner as of March 1st who has the responsibility for paying the fee for the entire fee period. You can of course between yourself agree upon sharing the fee, but the responsibility is upon the owner as of the 1st of March according to the law.


Danish Ship Register