The medicine chests on Danish ships must be up-to-date and support medical care on board. Therefore, the Danish Maritime Authority has, after consultation with the industry and health authorities, issued a supplement to existing medicine chests A and B.

Published 21-01-2021

The addition contains medicine and medical equipment to support the specific challenges of medical care on board during the CORONA pandemic.

If your ship sails in waters where medical care and help from ashore may present challenges, the DMA urges you to use the options in the appendix. Supplement the amount of additional medicine and medical equipment as needed.

The addition comes in well known formats:
•Within the Excel file, additional medicine and medical equipment have red tabs. Find user instructions and labels for the additions within the respective tabs.

•In the PDF file, find additional medicine and medical equipment at the last pages together with the User Instructions and labels.

The scheme with extra medicine and medical equipment is valid until 31 December 2021. At this time, the DMA will evaluate the necessity for an extension.


You can find the inventory lists here

If you have questions to the above, please contact


​​​Centre for Maritime Health Service
Vestervejen 1, 6720 Nordby, Fanø
Ship Survey, Certification and Manning