Denmark in the lead on ocean based green transition
Today, the ocean plays a crucial role in the green transition. The maritime spatial plan supports the objective to reduce the Danish CO2-emmissions considerably before 2030. A substantial part of the sea area is designated for future marine wind farms and energy islands.
Activities at sea
The ocean has always had a large historic importance for Denmark as shipping and fishing nation. Emphasis has been put on ensuring that actors at sea continue to have good conditions, including the fishery, the mineral resource industry and the shipping sector. The maritime spatial plan does not prevent these activities from continuing their current use of the sea.
The vast landscapes, beautiful beaches and open access to the ocean are of great importance to thousands of yachtsmen, anglers, kayakers and many others. The maritime spatial plan ensures that many coastal areas in particular are kept free from area allocations for future, large constructions so that people can continue to enjoy nature.
Protected areas are an important element of the maritime spatial plan. These include areas designated as Natura 2000 areas, marine strategy areas, nature and game reserves and protected areas. In total, areas designated for nature purposes cover approximately 30 per cent. of Denmark's sea area.
Read more about the maritime spatial plan