Who are fishermen?

​​​Fishermen are persons who are employed for service on board a fishing vessel and who do not exclusively work on board while the ship is in port.

Service means work performed by persons taking part in the fishing vessel's operation and maintenance as well as the provisioning of those on board. Furthermore, persons are considered fishermen if they are on board the vessel while performing functions of importance to the repair or maintenance of the vessel. This is true of, for example, workmen, repairmen and painters.

It is decisive whether the person works on board the fishing vessel with functions related to the vessel and where this work is done, i.e. either at sea or in port.

Please observe that, in a number of areas, fishermen are covered by other regulations than seafarers on, for example, merchant ships. This is the case in connection with, inter alia, employment agreements and the recording of hours of rest.

If in doubt whether a person is a fisherman, please contact the Danish Maritime Authority.


Ship Survey, Certification and Manning