The Danish Maritime Law Committee helps ensure that the regulation of Danish shipping issues is modern and appropriate.
The Committee assists the Minister in issues related to the merchant shipping act, especially when presenting recommendations and drafting amendments for the merchant shipping act.
Previously, the Danish Maritime Law Committee has presented its recommendations on the carriage of goods and liability for oil pollution damage in connection with the carriage by sea of dangerous and polluting substances.
The Danish Maritime Law Committee was established on 21 December 1977 as a permanent committee by the then Minister of Trade and has functioned as a committee ever since.
The Danish Maritime Law Comittee consists of representatives from Danish Shipping, Metal Maritime, 3F, Insurance & Pension Denmark, SKULD, Confederation of Danish Industry, The Association of Danish Law Firms and The Ministry of Justice.
The chairman of the committee is appointed by the Minster for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.
The Danish Maritime Law Committee currently meets once to twice a year.
Secretarial assistance for the Danish Maritime Law Comittee is provided by the Danish Maritime Authority.