Despite technological readiness, high costs associated with conventional financing options may cause shipping companies to postpone their investments in zero-emission and energy-efficient ships.
To address the financing challenge for green ship initiatives, this study has identified more than 70 funding opportunities, providing ship owners with an overview of financial support and guarantee schemes for investments in newbuilds, retrofitting, and energy efficiency upgrades. The study can also provide governments with an overview of existing funding opportunities.
The findings show that a variety of funding options exist, including grants, guarantees, and loans from regional development banks. The study highlights that application requirements, notably for loans from regional development banks, are often complex and require government involvement. While financial support is available globally, the majority of opportunities are concentrated in Europe and the United States, whereas funding remains scarce in especially Africa and Latin America.
Explore the full study here
For further information on the study, please contact the Zero-Emission Shipping Mission: or Danish Maritime Authority: