Policy Area on Maritime Safety and Security – PA Safe

The overall goal of the Policy Area on Maritime Safety and Security or PA Safe, as it is abbreviated, is for the Baltic Sea Region “to become a leading region in maritime safety and security”.

The work in PA Safe is carried out through a project-based policy dialogue and since the adoption of the EUSBSR in 2009, a broad range of policy activities and Flagship and Seed Money Projects have been conducted, and a series of results have been achieved in order to implement the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR). These results are for the benefit of maritime safety and security in the region and have helped pave the way for new project activities, developing already achieved results further. See the list of successfully completed Flagship Projects.

The current Action Plan of PA Safe includes seven actions implemented by the on-going Flagship Projects of PA Safe  and the projectplatform ResQ2.

Denmark and Finland serve jointly as Policy Area Coordinators (PACs) for PA Safe. Thus, they have undertaken to initiate Flagship Projects and maintain a policy dialogue on behalf of the eight EU member States of the Baltic Sea Region. The actual work is carried out by the Finnish Transport Safety Agency (Trafi) and the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA). The coordination work is partly funded by the Baltic Sea Region Programme.

The PAC’s are advised and assisted by an international Steering Committee. The members of the Steering Committee are representatives from relevant ministries or state agencies operating in the field of maritime safety and security and the European Commission represented by its relevant services.

Leaders of Flagship Projects and Seed Money Projects under PA Safe also usually attend the meetings of the Steering Committee as well as other stakeholders who have an interest in the area. The Steering Committee conducts project based policy discussions relevant for implementing the EUSBSR. At the Steering Committee meetings recent developments within the field of maritime safety and security are discussed and projects present their progress and results and receive advice on how to tackle challenges. The Steering Committee also discusses how PA safe can contribute to filling gaps and solving future challenges in order for the region to become a leading region in maritime safety and security.​


Blue Growth and Maritime Policy


​Finnish Transport and Communications Agency
Valtteri Laine, Special Adviser Policy Area Coordinator