Adjustment of Aids to Navigation - Kattegat and Skagerrak

When the new Routing Measures in the vicinity of Skagerrak and Kattegat are being implemented on July 1 2020 the Aids to Navigation (AtoNs) system will be adjusted accordingly on both Swedish and Danish waters. A full list of the adjustment which includes removing and adjusting existing buoyage as well as establishing new Buoys including virtual AtoNs are to be seen on this site together with Map Sketches.

Some of the adjustments have already taken place throughout the spring of 2020 and the rest of the adjustment will take place up to the implementing date of July 1. The adjustments are promulgated in Danish and Swedish Notices to Mariners.

List of adjustments of the Aids to Navigation (Bouyage)

AtoN name​ Lat DM Long DM Description Changes
Briseis Flak (DK) 56° 19,780' N 11° 21,702' E East Cardinal Q(3)10s ​ADJUST
Rute T3 (DK) 57° 30,259' N 11° 24,287' E Safe W Mark ISO.4s (K) REMOVE
​Rute T6 (DK) 56° 43,700' N 11° 54,680' E Safe W Mark ISO.8s (T) ​ADJUST
Rute T1A  (DK) 57° 46,760' N 10° 55,700' E Safe W Mark LFL.10s (N) ​ADJUST
Rute T 7 (DK) 56° 33,210' N 11° 41,880' E Virtual AIS AtoN, safe Water Mark ​NEW
Skagerrak virtual (DK) 57° 49,480' N 10° 16,040' E Virtuel AIS AtoN, Safe Water Mark ​NEW
Skagen West virtual (DK) 57° 49,990' N 10° 33,120' E Virtuel AIS AtoN, Safe Water Mark NEW
L Middelgrund Västra (SE) 56° 56,958' N 11° 52,079' E West Cardinal Q(9)15s NEW
Groves Flak E (DK) 57° 4,791' N 11° 36,425' E East Cardinal Q(3)10s NEW
Store Middelgrund W Q(9)10s (DK)
56° 32,706' N 12° 0,287' E West Cardinal Q(9)15s NEW
​Fladen W NEW (SE) 57° 10,245' N 11° 42,355' E West Cardinal Q(9)15s NEW
​Lille Lysegrund W (DK) 56° 18,571' N 11° 29,061' E West Cardinal Q(9)15s NEW
​Entrance to Sound Virtual (DK) 56° 10,920' N 12° 24,950' E Virtual AIS AtoN, safe mark NEW
​TSS L Middelgrund Östra  (SE) 56° 56,210' N 12° 4,347' E East Cardinal Q(3)10s NEW
​TSS L Middelgrund Västra (SE) 56° 55,522' N 12° 3,934' E West Cardinal Q(9)15s NEW
​L Middelgrund Östra (SE) 56° 59,565' N 11° 58,799' E East Cardinal Q(3)10s NEW
​Rute T 9 (DK) 56° 20,753' N 11° 26,923' E Starboard Lateral Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute T 2 (DK) 57° 37,618' N 11° 5,522' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute A 5 (DK) 56° 12,732' N 11° 5,543' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute B 7 (DK) 56° 50,929' N 10° 47,997' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Route B 10 (DK) 56° 17,879' N 12° 4,331' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute D 2 (DK) 56° 31,667' N 11° 58,608' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute T 4 (DK) 57° 5,514' N 11° 39,862' E Safe Water Mark ​REMOVE
​Rute T 8 (DK 56° 19,597' N 11° 26,143' E Port Lateral Mark ​REMOVE
​FLADEN VESTRE (SE) 57° 7,954' N 11° 41,372' E West Cardinal ​REMOVE
​LILLA MIDDELGRUND (SE) 56° 57,474' N 11° 58,911' E East Cardinal REMOVE

Map Sketches showing the adjustments in the Aids to Navigation (Bouyage) when implementing the new Routing Measures in Skagerrak and Kattegat 1 July 2020

Skagerrak and Skagen area

Kattegat area

Kattegat south area

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