Navigation in connection with manned submarines under the surface of the water

Navigation with manned submarines under the surface of the water may not take place unless authorised by the Danish Emergency Management Agency

The below template must be filled in and forwarded to The Danish Maritime Authority no later than four weeks prior to start, after which the Authority will process the case.

Assessment of safety of navigation in connection with manned submarines under the surface of the water

General information

1a. Contact details of the operator

1b. Contact details of the one responsible for filling out the assessment form

2. Geographical latitude/longitude and place name of the activity given as geodetic Datum (for example WGS84 and 57°25.86' N 10°42.75' E)

3. Period during which the activity is expected to be carried out

Risk assessment

The risk assessment must contain an account of the below points.

Additional information

Furthermore information about and a substantiated assessment of the below.

3a. Plan for advance warning of vessel traffic *
4a. The need for assistance from surface vessels *
6a. Will surface buoys be used? *

Buys must be approved by the Danish Maritime Authority

Add an attachment if needed

Add an attachment if needed

Add an attachment if needed

Add an attachment if needed

Information about the suitability of the vessel

1a. Is the vessel built in accordance with the rules of a recognised organisation or recognised standards, including IMO MSC/Circ. 981, "Guidelines for the design, construction and operation of passenger submersible craft" *
2a. Is the vessel certified by a recognised organisation and is surveyed at regular intervals as laid down in IMO MSC/Circ. 981, "Guidelines for the design, construction and operation of passenger submersible craft"? *

The Danish Maritime Authority must also assess the operational aspects associated with the voyage, including: ROC/LOC and their interaction with the drone, the operator's competencies, etc.

This will normally require the submission of documentation, meetings and possibly survey.


Furthermore The Danish Maritime Authority may require additional information regarding the authorisation and may, based on the submitted material, issue specific orders regarding the vessel's construction, equipment and operation, as well as the planned navigation or activity

Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Safety of Navigation, National Waters (Danish Emergency Management Agency)