Material to be submitted - projects in territorial waters

In  these  guidelines,  you  can  read  about  the  material  to  be  submitted  if  your  activity  at  sea  could  impair safety of navigation.

You must submit the following material and information to (

  1. Contact details of the person or company responsible and of any substitute,
  2. a description of the activity,
  3. charlet with a simple outline of the location of the activity in the territorial waters,
  4. geographical longitude/latitude positions of the activity (WGS84 Datum (for example 57°25.86' N 10°42.75' E)),
  5. the period of the activity,
  6. unresolved navigational objections from the users of the waters together with a list of the parties consulted,
  7. an assessment of the impact on navigational safety and freedom of navigation in connection with the various phases of the activity,
  8. an overview of the preventive measures planned and
  9. a list of work vessels intended to be used in connection with the activity.

Assessment of the effects on safety of navigation or freedom of navigation

Download the form for assessing safety of navigation (the filled in form contains the items above).

Examples of preventive measures

Preventive measures to be approved by the authorities:

Speed limits or other restrictions on ships are considered by the Danish Maritime Authority.

  • New or changed aids to navigation, including lighthouses, buoyage, beacons, lights and signposting, etc. are considered by the Danish Maritime Authority.
  • The establishment of special ship's routes is considered by the Danish Maritime Authority.
  • The establishment of areas of prohibition is considered by the Danish Maritime Authority.
  • Permits for dredging or filling are considered by the Danish Coastal Authority.
  • Physical guides, obstructions and fixed location of other objects are considered by the Danish Coastal Authority.
  • Hydrographic surveys or chart production are considered by the Danish Geodata Agency.
  • Other preventive measures requiring the approval of the authorities.

Examples of preventive measures that the one responsible can implement:

  • Notification, information and guidance for the users of the waters.
  • Education and training of those taking part in an activity.
  • The use of guard or accompanying vessels.
  • Special supervision or monitoring.
  • Coordination of voyages, such as coordinated schedules, coordinated voyages or mutual support.
  • Communication planning.
  • Contingency plans.
  • Making sure that it is possible to stop an activity and to make the area free and safe to navigate before a ship arrives at the area.

Risk assessments in connection with major engineering works are best made in accordance with the guidelines issued by United Nations’ International Maritime Organization (IMO) - IMO Formal Safety Assessment.

You must support the analyses, assessments or estimates submitted in connection with the case so that it is clear how you have reached the conclusions.

It is important that all relevant conditions are always described in detail so that the Danish Maritime Authority has sufficient information to consider the case. If there are special conditions that need to be illuminated or elaborated on, the Danish Maritime Authority will request this.

Objections from the users of the waters and interested parties in the area who can, on the basis of their local experience and knowledge of, inter alia, the nature of the waters, weather conditions, currents, ship types and sizes, help document the impact of the activity on safety of navigation or freedom of navigation are important elements for the illumination of the case.

Consequently, you should consult with the users of the waters and interested parties in the area.

Information about navigational activities, etc. is available from consultancy reports, analyses of ship traffic patterns based on ships’ Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), information from Statistics Denmark, simulations, information from port authorities, pilots and other authorities or from other relevant organisations or sources such as fishing associations or yachtsmen, etc.

When giving positions, it is important that they are submitted in the format used by shipping, i.e. geographical coordinates given as degrees, minutes and decimals of minutes, in system WGS84 Datum:for example: 57°25.86'N 10°42.75'E

It is important to insert an outline of the project location in the territorial waters in the form so that the activity can be considered in connection with the surrounding waters. It is important that it is a chart and not other maps so that all conditions in the waters can be included in the assessment.


Safety of Navigation, National Waters (Danish Emergency Management Agency)